About Me

I'm adventurous, sincere, and loyal. I am in love. I am deeply spiritual. I find happines in "the little things". I love the sunshine and the rain. I cry when I am sad and when I am happy. This is my blog.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

List #s 3 and 4: Boyfriend Rules and Girlfriend Rules. (Very generalized)

Boyfriend Rules: .He has to think you are the prettiest girl in the world, or at least tell you so. .He must be willing to watch the movies you like occasionally. .He must be nice to your family. .He must be willing to dance with you, even if it is just when you are completely alone. .He has to want to support you, although the economic conditions now-a-days probably render that impossible in full. .He has to give a valiant effort to eat whatever you try to cook for him.
Girlfriend Rules: .Give him space when he's mad. .Keep the gossip to a minimum (he doesn't care). .Be willing to watch the movies he likes occasionally. .Remember that he needs compliments too. .Be nice to his family. .Be willing to pay sometimes. .Try to cook for him. .Filter your PMS-induced self-righteousness. .Give him warning when you're feeling hyper-sensitive. .Don't expect him to change for you.

1 comment:

  1. Hey love,

    I'm glad you're blogging. It is indeed fun. ;)

    Here is my URL http://thelifeandtimesofkkw.blogspot.com/
