About Me

I'm adventurous, sincere, and loyal. I am in love. I am deeply spiritual. I find happines in "the little things". I love the sunshine and the rain. I cry when I am sad and when I am happy. This is my blog.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Writing Journey

Okay, it's happened. I've decided! I want to be a writer. Now, I know, I know, it's pretty hit and miss for authors and I don't know if I'll "hit". But I love writing! (You can't tell by how often I update this blog, but it's true).
I'm in the middle of writing my first book and I already have ideas for more! When I decided to write "The Woman Who Peed on the Floor" I thought it would be my only book, but I guess it's like tattoos: even before the first one is finished you start thinking about the next one. For now I'm just trying to get this first one done by the summer. I already have a publisher lined up and expect to be signing the contract soon!!! Check out http://www.revolutionpublish.com/
"The Woman Who Peed on the Floor" is a non-fiction novel about domestic violence and role reversals, particularly between mother and child.
"When a mother chooses not to fill a parental role someone else must. The child intuitively understands this and attempts to the fill the viod himself without having the knowledge or life experience to know how it's actually supposed to work."
-The Woman Who Peed on the Floor, exerpt from the rough draft

I've completed my final outline and have started my first draft. Stay tuned for sneak peeks!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

New Career Path... again....

So, volunteer coordinator is out. Probably.
I've just started working on an Elementary Education degree so I can teach Elementary School music. I don't really know if I want to do this so much, but it's the most appealing option for me right now. The thing that is annoying is that I have to go through the whole damn elementary ed program just to teach music. I would say that so far, just in the intro to education class, only about 25% of the information will apply to me.
Very frustrating.
But... I'm also working on a book. I have the first half of a rough outline done already. The book is going to be called
"The Woman Who Peed on the Floor (And other women who should not have been mothers)"
I know... kinda wordy, but it will mostly just be called "The Woman Who Peed on the Floor" so that's not so bad.
It will highlight three or four people in my life and their experiences with their mothers. It's pretty much about the damage that is done to a child when their parents expect them to take care of them so they can continue to act like children.
I would be completely okay with my book getting famous and not having to work at all... just saying.