About Me

I'm adventurous, sincere, and loyal. I am in love. I am deeply spiritual. I find happines in "the little things". I love the sunshine and the rain. I cry when I am sad and when I am happy. This is my blog.

Friday, April 30, 2010

First Blog

I have a feeling that I will be the only who reads this blog. But that's okay. I think it will be easier to type about my life on the internet than write about it in a journal because journaling takes longer and I always end up with had cramps after five or six pages. Then, because my hand hurts, I just sum up the rest of the things I wanted to say and in a year I don't remember all the things I wanted to. Typing doesn't wear out your hands as quickly. So... I guess I'll just make a list. I like lists. So here are a list of ten things I like more than just about anything and ten things I dislike more than just about anything (in no particular order):


.Wood floors
.Swing sets
.Sour patch watermelons
.Audrey Hepburn movies
.Service organizations
.Bare feet
.Waking up by 8 AM

Don't Like

.Movies with rape scenes
.Owing money
.Monopoly (the game)
.Mean people
.Married people who flirt with girls/boys other than their spouse
.Burning cakes.

Well, that's me a little bit. I am going to make hamburgers on the grill today if it isn't too windy and then I am going to help Henry (my boyfriend) get his things moved from his dorm for summer vacation. It's only two weeks for him because he is doing summer semesters, but he can't have his stuff in the dorm anymore.
I wonder if anyone will read this.